The wing cases of a beetle
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 6 answers to crossword clue "The wing cases of a beetle"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
shellsThe wing cases of a beetle
coleopterona large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils also COLEOPTERAN
coleopterana large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils also COLEOPTERON
coleopteransCOLEOPTERAN, a large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils also COLEOPTERON
coleopteronsCOLEOPTERON, a large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils also COLEOPTERAN
GIACOMOCASANOVAA scarab beetle with a heart-shaped mark on its wing covers was named after this adventurer