with ones own petard
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "with ones own petard"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
HOIST.. with one's own petard
TOOCLEVERBYHALFHoisted with one's own petard
POETICJUSTICEBeing hoist with one's own petard
HOIST... by one's own petard
LAVRENTIBERIAExample of "hoist with his own petard."
STAREDOWNTurn another's gaze with one's own.
roquetingStrike (another ball) with one's own
autographythe act of writing with one's own hand; something handwritten
cliquishassociating exclusively with the members of one's own clique; clannish
ATMFEECost of a bank transaction that's not with one's own bank
treatingProvide someone with (food, drink, or entertainment) at one's own expense
autographiesAUTOGRAPHY, the act of writing with one's own hand; something handwritten
clannishinclined to associate exclusively with the members of one's own group; cliquish
friendliest(of troops or equipment) Of, belonging to, or in alliance with one's own forces
friendlier(of troops or equipment) Of, belonging to, or in alliance with one's own forces
selflessConcerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish
gloatingContemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure
stepsistersA daughter of one's stepparent by a marriage other than with one's own father or mother
egoisticbeing centered in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one's own desires; self-centered
autoeroticrelating to sexual excitement or gratification gained from one's own body, with or without external stimulation
stepsisterA daughter of one's stepparent by a marriage other than with one's own father or mother
humblest(of an action or thought) Offered with or affected by such an estimate of one's own importance
stepbrotherA son of one's stepparent, by a marriage other than that with one's own father or mother
stepbrothersA son of one's stepparent, by a marriage other than that with one's own father or mother
companionsA person with similar tastes and interests to one's own and with whom one has a friendly relationship
handshakesAn act of shaking a person's hand with one's own, used as a greeting or to finalize an agreement
handshakeAn act of shaking a person's hand with one's own, used as a greeting or to finalize an agreement
selfish(of a person, action, or motive) Lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure
narcissismExtreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type
bachto live alone or share living quarters with someone of the same sex, usually doing one's own housework, cooking, laundry, etc.
rationalizingAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
rationalisingAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
rationalizeAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
rationalizesAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
rationalisedAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
rationalizedAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
rationalisesAttempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate
proudestFeeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated
croquetedDrive away (an opponent's ball) by holding one's own ball against it and striking this with the mallet. A player is entitled to do this after their ball has struck an opponent's ball
croquetingDrive away (an opponent's ball) by holding one's own ball against it and striking this with the mallet. A player is entitled to do this after their ball has struck an opponent's ball