Privacy policy


The administrator of personal data collected via the website is code123.

The administrator takes special care to protect the interests of data subjects, and in particular ensures that the data collected by him is:

  • processed in accordance with the law,
  • collected for specified, lawful purposes and not subject to further processing incompatible with these purposes,
  • substantively correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed and stored in a form enabling the identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing.


The Administrator processes Service Recipients' data that the Service Recipient provides or makes available in the history of browsing websites and internet applications as part of the use of our services - (along with automated analysis of your activity on websites and applications). The Service Recipient provides us with information necessary to provide services, e.g. by completing forms, in the application installation process (such as: e-mail address, name and surname, nickname, markings identifying the end of the telecommunications network or the IT system used by the Service Recipient).

The Administrator also processes data collected during the Service User's activity in services - websites and applications, including: visiting the website and place, time of visit to a given place, User's clicks, method of using services (e.g. word search), information about the end device or browser, including its location.

Personal data of Service Recipients collected by the Administrator are used for:

  • contacting the service recipient (user)
  • information purposes and other activities related to the Service User's activity on the website, marketing purposes
  • for storing sessions or collecting statistical data

Providing the personal data referred to above is necessary for the Service Provider to provide services electronically as part of the website.


Using the website and concluding contracts for the provision of electronic services via it, which requires providing personal data, is completely voluntary. The data subject decides independently whether he wants to start using the services provided electronically by the Service Provider in accordance with these Regulations.


The service recipient has the right to request access to personal data from the administrator.

Each person has the right to control the processing of data concerning him or her contained in the Administrator's data set, and in particular the right to request supplementation, updating, rectification of personal data, temporary or permanent suspension of their processing or their deletion, in particular when they are incomplete, out of date , false or were collected in violation of the GDPR or are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

W celu realizacji uprawnień, o których mowa powyżej można korzystać poprzez przesłanie stosownej wiadomości poprzez formularz znajdujący się na stronie KONTAKT


The Administrator's website uses "cookies". Failure to change the browser settings on the part of the Service Recipient is tantamount to consent to their use.

Installing cookies is necessary for:

  • proper provision of services on a given website. "Cookies" files contain information necessary for the proper functioning of the website, in particular those requiring authorization.
  • adapting the content of websites to the user's individual preferences, above all, these files recognize his device in order to display websites in accordance with his preferences;
  • preparing statistics to help learn about user preferences and behavior. The analysis of these statistics is anonymous and allows you to adapt the content and appearance of the website to current trends; the statistics are also used to assess the popularity of the website;

The website uses the following types:

  • Session
  • Permanent
  • Analytical

"Session" cookies are temporary files that are stored on the Service User's end device until logging out (leaving the website).

"Permanent" cookies are stored on the Service User's end device for the time specified in the "cookie" file parameters or until they are deleted by the User.

"Analytical" cookies make it possible to better understand how the Service User interacts with the content of the website and to better organize its layout. "Analytical" cookies collect information about how the Service User uses the website, the type of website from which the Service User was redirected, and the number of visits and duration of the Service User's visit to the website. This information does not record specific personal data of the Service User, but is used to develop statistics on the use of the website.

The service recipient has the right to decide on the access of cookies to his computer by selecting them in his browser window. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.


The Administrator applies technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of processed personal data appropriate to the threats and categories of data protected, and in particular protects the data against disclosure to unauthorized persons, removal by an unauthorized person, processing in violation of applicable regulations and change, loss, damage or destruction.

The Service Provider provides appropriate technical measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data sent electronically.