Crossword Clue:

Canine command

AnswerCrossword Clue
SITCanine command
HEELCanine command
COMECanine command
SICCanine command
BEGCanine command
STAYCanine command
SPEAKCanine command
SICEMCanine command
LIEDOWNCanine command
SITCommon canine command
SITBasic canine command
HEELCanine.s command
SITCommand to a canine.
SICCommand to a canine
HEELCommand to a canine
FETCHCommand to a canine
HEELEDObeyed a canine command
SITCommand to a canine
BEGCommand to a canine
SICEMCommand to a canine
COMECommand to a canine
LEAVEITCommand to a canine
STAYCommand to a canine
SICAttack command to a canine
DOWNBOYCommand to an overfriendly canine
STAYCanine command usually spoken slowly in a low voice