Crossword Clue:

Kind of lepton

AnswerCrossword Clue
TAUKind of lepton
TAUHeaviest variety of lepton
TAUSParticles of the lepton family
TAUSubatomic particle of the lepton family
TAU... lepton
TAUUnstable lepton
ATOMLepton site
MUONUnstable lepton
MUONCharged lepton
TAU... lepton (elementary particle)
MUONSElementary lepton particles
TAU... lepton (subatomic particle)
TAU... lepton (physics particle)
TAUShort-lived lepton
TAUNegatively charged lepton
TAU.. lepton (subatomic particle)
NEUTRINOLepton with no charge
TAU... particle (short-lived lepton)
MUONShort-lived, charged lepton
TAU... neutrino (lepton with no charge)