Crossword Clue:

Not be entirely independent

AnswerCrossword Clue
OWENot be entirely independent
FIBNot be entirely truthful
INASENSENot entirely
INPARTNot entirely
SORTOFNot entirely
AJARNot entirely closed
QUASINot entirely: Pref.
SEMINot entirely: Prefix
SORTANot entirely, informally
HALFTRUENot entirely wrong
HALFSERIOUSNot entirely joking
AJARNot entirely shut
BIONICNot entirely human
NETTLEDNot entirely happy
OPENSIDEDNot entirely closed in
DOCTOREDNot entirely real, as a photo
BISOnes not entirely gay or straight
ONADARENot entirely of one's own volition, say
SUBWAYWARDWord that could mean "not entirely disobedient" or "headed for the metro"