Crossword Clue:

That is Lat

AnswerCrossword Clue
IDESTThat is (Lat.)
IDESTThat is: Lat.
IDESTThat is (to say): Lat.
ILLAThat: Lat.
ILLEThat: Lat.
ISTEThat: Lat.
ILLEThat (Lat.)
ISTEThat cad: Lat.
ILLAThat one: Lat.
ILLEThat one: Lat.
ISTEThat of yours: Lat.
ADEOTo that point: Lat.
EONOMINEBy that name: Lat.
ILLAAt that place: Lat.
ILLOTo that place: Lat.
ETSEQAnd those that follow: Lat.
SIMILIAThings that are alike: Lat.
TEMPORISId ... (at that time): Lat.
ETSEQQAnd those that follow: Lat. abbr.
NATOGroup that now includes Est., Lith. and Lat.