Crossword Clue:

What payments may be in

AnswerCrossword Clue
ARREARSWhat payments may be in
ESCROWWhat tax payments may be in
NOENDWhat may be in sight?
AROWWhat ducks may be in
ORBITWhat a satellite may be in
BREADBASKETWhat baguettes may be served in
ESCROWWhat money may be placed in
RESERVEWhat things may be held in
ORBITWhat an astronaut may be in
PLAINVIEWWhat things may be hidden in
WOKSWhat salads may be tossed in
TOURNEYWhat seeds may be found in
HOCKWhat a gambler may be in
RACEAGAINSTTIMEWhat a bomb defuser may be in
HALTEREDSTATEWhat a show horse may be in?
MOOWhat may be heard in a herd
ENTOURAGEWhat may be in a star's orbit
INKWhat a quill may be dipped in
COMAWhat an out patient may be in
COMAWhat an out patient may be in?
CRATEWhat a pet may be transported in
HOCKWhat a poor gambler may be in
TURTLESHELLWhat a head may be hiding in
ALLCAPSWhat an urgent message may be in
GRANOLAWhat may be in a breakfast bar
CONGAWhat people in a line may be doing
IDLEWhat a getaway car may be waiting in
NUNHOODWhat one may be in the habit for?
COMAWhat a person who's out may be in
SLOMOWhat a football penalty may be seen in
THEAREAWhat a drop-in may claim to be in
HOPEFULSYMMETRYWhat may be framed in William Blake's poem The Tyger
CDSWhat there may be a lot of interest in, for short?
PATIENTWhat someone in a doctor's office is, or may need to be
LSDWhat "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" may or may not be about
STOOPBend to go through a doorway, say ... or what may be in front of the door