Crossword Clue:

Yeatss work

AnswerCrossword Clue
POESYYeats's work
ABBEYYeats's ..... Theatre
ABBEYYeats's ... Theatre
ERATOYeats's Muse
EIREYeats's country
EIREYeats's homeland
ERINYeats's land
ERINYeats's homeland
ERINYeats's isle
ERINYeats's motherland
EIREYeats's home
EIREYeats's land
ERINYeats's home
ERINYeats's land, poetically
LEDAYeats's swan lady
ERINYeats's land, literarily
ERINYeats's home, poetically
LEDAYeats's "... and the Swan"
LEDAYeats's ".. and the Swan"
APOETYeats's ".. to His Beloved"
ISLEYeats's "The Lake ... of Innisfree"