Crossword Clue:

able to be mapped

AnswerCrossword Clue
CANBe able to.
ERECTILEAble to be upright
AUDIBLEAble to be heard.
TACTILEAble to be felt
VENAAble to be bribed
MASTERBe able to nail
EDUCABLEAble to be taught.
LIFTABLEAble to be hoisted
AFFORDBe able to spare
CONTAINABLEAble to be constrained
ELASTICAble to be stretched
COHERENTAble to be followed
VISUALAble to be seen
USABLEAble to be utilized.
EFFABLEAble to be expressed
FISSILEAble to be split
AFFORDBe able to buy
RECOGNIZEBe able to identify
TRUEAble to be proven
COULDWould be able to
ONTAPAble to be drawn
AFFORDBe able to pay for
EVENAble to be halved equally
LIEUPNot be able to sleep
DETESTNot be able to take
NONVISUALNot able to be seen
ANOUTHave ..... (be able to escape)
ASHOTHas ... (might be able to)
RISETOBe able to cope with.
EVOCABLEAble to be called forth.
SECTIVEAble to be cut: Rare.
BITESIZEAble to be eaten whole
ANOUTHave... (be able to escape)
ANOUTHave ... (be able to escape)
ABHORNot be able to take
GAGONNot be able to swallow
HAVEACASEBe able to sue, say
LOATHENot be able to stomach
TRACTILEAble to be drawn out
ABHORNot be able to stomach