Answer: AGREED

AnswerCrossword Clue
agreedAGREE, to have the same opinion
agreedget along together
agreedto consent or promise
agreedto be beneficial
agreedbe consistent the story agrees with the facts
agreedsettle on by common consent arrange I agreed rental terms with him Eric Bennett
agreedhave an inflectional form denoting identity or other regular correspondence in a grammatical category (as gender, number, case, or person)
agreedbe fitting, pleasing, or healthful suit this climate agrees with him
agreedconsent to as a course of action agreed to sell him the house
agreedto have a similar opinion
AGREEDFound common ground
agreedachieve or be in harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) we agree in our taste in music
AGREEDDetermined by mutual consent
AGREEDCame to a consensus
AGREEDOf one mind
agreedto concur in (as an opinion) admit concede agrees that he is right
agreedcome to terms agree on a fair division of profits
agreedbe similar correspond both copies agree
agreedaccept or concede something (as the views or wishes of another) agree to a plan
AGREEDConformed (to).
AGREEDMutually determined
AGREEDSaid okay
AGREEDSeeing eye to eye
AGREEDSettled differences
AGREEDOf one opinion
AGREEDIn accord
AGREEDPlayed the yes man
AGREEDShook hands (on)
AGREED"You've got yourself a deal!"
AGREED"We've got a deal!"
AGREED"No argument here"
AGREED"You're absolutely right"
AGREEDSaid "yea"
AGREED'It's a deal!'