AnswerCrossword Clue
ARISTOTLE"Politics" writer in eight volumes
ARISTOTLEGreek philosopher
ARISTOTLEPlato's outstanding student
ARISTOTLE"The Stagirite"
ARISTOTLEOne of Plato's pupils
ARISTOTLEJacqueline's bridegroom in 1968
ARISTOTLEAuthor of 13 books on metaphysics
ARISTOTLENoted Lyceum instructor
ARISTOTLE"Wit is educated insolence"
ARISTOTLE"Meteorologica" writer
ARISTOTLE"On the Soul" writer
ARISTOTLESubject in a Rembrandt painting
ARISTOTLETutor to Alexander the Great
ARISTOTLEOriginator of the maxim "One swallow does not make a summer"
ARISTOTLE"Metaphysica" writer
ARISTOTLEOld Greek restored a lost rite (9)
ARISTOTLE"Poetics" author
ARISTOTLEGreek philosopher admired by Shaquille O'Neal
ARISTOTLEAlexander the Great's teacher
ARISTOTLE"History of Animals" author
ARISTOTLE"Metaphysics" writer
ARISTOTLEPioneer in syllogistic logic
aristotle(slang) a bottle
ARISTOTLE"The Big ..." (nickname for Shaquille O'Neal)
ARISTOTLEStudent of Plato
ARISTOTLEAuthor of the quote
ARISTOTLEConqueror's tutor
ARISTOTLEPupil of Plato
ARISTOTLERembrandt's contemplative subject
ARISTOTLETeacher of Alexander the Great
ARISTOTLEFormer partner of Jacqueline
ARISTOTLE"Rhetoric" author
ARISTOTLEAlexander's tutor
ARISTOTLETutor of Alexander the Great
ARISTOTLEJacqueline's second husband
ARISTOTLEAlexander the Great's tutor
ARISTOTLEPlato's famous pupil.
ARISTOTLEDante called him "The Master of them that know."
ARISTOTLEAlexander's tutor.
ARISTOTLETutor of Alexander the Great.