Answer: CLOUD

AnswerCrossword Clue
CLOUDSun cover
CLOUDSymbol of a lingering scandal
CLOUD... nine (euphoric state)
CLOUDCirrus or cumulus
CLOUDStratus, e.g.
CLOUDNine is fine
CLOUDEnd of credo
CLOUDCover of a kind
CLOUDKind of computing using remote servers
CLOUDJet-flight scenery
CLOUDOn ... nine.
CLOUDMare's-tail, for one.
CLOUDSaint-..., residence of French kings.
cloudin disgrace
cloudin a condition of absent-mindedness; lost in reverie
cloudvisible mass of water or ice in the air
cloudto cover with clouds or gloom
cloudmass of smoke or dust
cloudto make obscure (indistinct)
cloudto become cloudy
cloudanything causing gloom
CLOUDSymbol of gloom.
cloudexceedingly happy; in high spirits
CLOUDKind of computing
CLOUDBringer of rain
CLOUDMake murky
CLOUDIt's dark when raining
CLOUDMushroom ... (atom bomb's wake)
CLOUDCirrus, for one
CLOUDSun blocker?
CLOUDSun screen
CLOUD... nine
CLOUDSun block?
CLOUDLots of locusts