Answer: COTTER

AnswerCrossword Clue
COTTERKind of pin
cotterto secure with a cotter
cotterrural worker; laborer on a farm or in a small village
cotterpin, wedge, key, or the like, fitted or driven into an opening to secure something or hold parts together
cottercotter having a split end that is spread after being pushed through a hole to prevent it from working loose
cotterperson occupying a plot of land and cottage, paid for in services
cottera pin or a wedge, also COTTAR, COTTIER
COTTER... pin
COTTERPin type
COTTER..... pin
COTTERMachinist's pin
COTTERFastening pin
COTTERLocking device
COTTERMachine pin
COTTER... pin.
COTTEREnglish farm worker.
COTTERType of pin.
COTTERSubject of Robert Burns' poem.
COTTER... pin (fastening device)
COTTERSecuring pin
COTTERWedge-shaped pin