Answer: DEFEND

AnswerCrossword Clue
DEFENDStand up for.
defendResist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger
defendSpeak or write in favor of (an action or person); attempt to justify
defendConduct the case for (the party being accused or sued) in a lawsuit
defend(in sports) Protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents
defendCompete to retain (a title or seat) in a contest or election
defendto protect (to shield from harm, attack or injury)
DEFENDProtect against the other team scoring
DEFENDMake a case for
DEFENDAttempt to justify
DEFENDHold the fort, say
DEFENDGo to bat for
DEFENDEndure a siege
DEFENDStick up for
DEFENDPlay safety
DEFENDPresidential oath verb
DEFENDKeep safe
DEFENDRepresent in court
DEFENDFight for
DEFENDAnswer the critics of
DEFENDTry to keep, as a title
DEFENDDo a goalkeeper's job
DEFENDStand up for
DEFENDTake measures to repel an attack