AnswerCrossword Clue
DEVELOPTake shape
developBring (a piece) into play from its initial position on a player's back rank
developElaborate (a musical theme) by modification of the melody, harmony, or rhythm
developTreat (a photographic film) with chemicals to make a visible image
developto bring to a more advanced state, also DEVELOPE
developConvert (land) to a new purpose by constructing buildings or making other use of its resources
developConvert (a curved surface) conceptually into a plane figure as if by unrolling
developConstruct or convert (a building) so as to improve existing resources
developStart to exist, experience, or possess
developGrow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate
developExpand (a function, etc.) in the form of a series
develop(of a poor agricultural country) Become more economically and socially advanced
DEVELOPDo darkroom work
DEVELOPProcess a roll of film
DEVELOPRiddle, part 4
DEVELOPSlowly come to light
DEVELOPAdd detail to
DEVELOPFlesh out
DEVELOPRender visible while in a darkroom
DEVELOPEvolve gradually
DEVELOPProcess, as film
DEVELOPPromote the growth of
DEVELOPWork on film
DEVELOPCause to grow
DEVELOPCome to light