AnswerCrossword Clue
ENDGAMESChess finales
endgamesthe final stage of a game, usually following the exchange of queens and the serious reduction of forces
endgamesENDGAME, the last stage of a board game
endgamesthe late or final stages of any activity
ENDGAMESKarpov excels at them
ENDGAMESChess climaxes
ENDGAMESFinal showdowns
ENDGAMESFinishing stratagems
ENDGAMESThey may produce checks
ENDGAMESBoard finishes
ENDGAMESWhere mates are commonly found
ENDGAMESMating periods?
ENDGAMESStages of a chess match
ENDGAMESFinales for Fischer
ENDGAMESFinal stages in chess play
ENDGAMESClimaxes of chess duels
ENDGAMESChess stages
ENDGAMESChess student's study
ENDGAMESGambits might happen en route to these
ENDGAMESChess conclusions
ENDGAMESThey may involve pawn promotions