Answer: ENDUE

AnswerCrossword Clue
ENDUEInvest with power
ENDUEProvide with
ENDUEProvide, as with talents
ENDUEProvide, as with talent
ENDUESupply; clothe
ENDUEProvide some quality
ENDUEProvide, as with some quality
ENDUEKeep on losing right to clothe (5)
ENDUEProvide with a quality
ENDUEProvide as with a quality,
ENDUEProvide with an ability
ENDUEEndow with a gift
ENDUEEndow, as with a quality
ENDUEEndow with a quality
ENDUEEmbody with
ENDUEInvest with a quality
ENDUEGive qualities to
ENDUEProvide with a gift
ENDUEInvest with something
endueto provide with, also INDEW, INDUE
endueto invest or endow with some gift, quality, or faculty
endueto clothe
endueprovide endow endued with the rights of a citizen
endueto put on; assume
ENDUETake on, as a quality
ENDUEProvide with a trait
ENDUEProvide with a characteristic
ENDUEBestow upon, as abilities
ENDUEProvide, as with a quality
ENDUEInvest, as with a quality
ENDUEAssume, as a role
ENDUEInvest (with)
ENDUEProvide, as with power