

AnswerCrossword Clue
ERSECeltic language
ERSEGaelic tongue
ERSEGoidelic language of Scotland
ERSEHighland tongue
ERSEIrish Gaelic
ERSERev or asp trailer
ERSEIrish tongue
ERSEIrish, archaically
ERSELanguage from which "galore" is derived
ERSEGaelic language from which "plaid" comes
ERSEOf the Highlands
ERSECeltic tongue
ERSEHighlands dialect
ERSEIrish offshoot
ERSEScottish Gaelic
ERSEScots Gaelic
ERSEHighland Gaelic
ERSEOld Gaelic
ERSECeltic dialect
ERSELimerick language
ERSEHebrides tongue
ERSEOne of the Celtic languages
ERSEScottish tongue
ERSEGaelic language
ERSELanguage heard on Cape Breton Island
ERSELanguage of Ireland
ERSEManx relative
ERSELanguage that gave us "hubbub"
ERSELanguage that gave us "plaid"
ERSESkye writing
ERSELanguage that gave us "clan"
ERSELanguage that gave us "galore"
ERSEGael's tongue
ERSEHighland language
ERSEIt means "Irish" in Irish
ERSEGael's language
ERSETam wearer's tongue
ERSEHebrides language
ERSEHighlands tongue