AnswerCrossword Clue
ETERNITY"As if you could kill time without injuring ...": Thoreau, "Walden"
ETERNITY"From Here to ...," 1953 F.S. film
ETERNITYAeons ad infinitum
ETERNITYEndless eons
ETERNITYAll the time in the world
ETERNITYDesigner fragrance
ETERNITYIt "waits at the crossway of the stars," wrote Borges
ETERNITY"... was in our lips and eyes": "Antony and Cleopatra"
ETERNITY"It is the sea - Gone with the sun," wrote Rimbaud
ETERNITY"Thou pleasing, dreadful thought," to Addison
ETERNITY"A moment is a concentrated ...": Emerson
ETERNITYForever and a day
ETERNITY"Deserts of vast ...": Marvell
ETERNITYIt goes on and on
ETERNITYLong time indeed!
ETERNITYTime factor
ETERNITYWord in a James Jones title
ETERNITYIt goes on and on and . . .
ETERNITYLong, long time
ETERNITYCalvin Klein fragrance
eternityinfinite time
eternitythe time after death
eternityeternal existence
ETERNITYInfinite duration.
ETERNITY"From Here to .."
ETERNITYPerpetual notion?
ETERNITYClassic Calvin Klein fragrance
ETERNITYFacetious waiting period
ETERNITY"Architecture aims at ..": Wren
ETERNITYInfinite time
ETERNITYTime without end
ETERNITY"Damned from here to ...."
ETERNITYWord in James Jones' title.
ETERNITYTime without end.
ETERNITY"From Here to ..."
ETERNITYWhat Addison called "thou pleasing dreadful thought."