Answer: FASTS

AnswerCrossword Clue
FASTSObserves a religious holiday
FASTSWillingly avoids meals
faststhe act of fasting
faststo go without food or certain kinds of food
fastsFAST, to abstain from eating
faststhe period of fasting
FASTSObserves one of the Five Pillars of Islam
FASTSPuts nothing away
FASTSCertain periods of self-denial
FASTSLenten observances
FASTSTakes nothing in
FASTSDiets strenuously
FASTSObeys Yom Kippur requirements
FASTSGoes on a hunger strike, say
FASTSObserves the Muslim day of Ashura
FASTSConsumes less, in a way
FASTSDoesn't have anything
FASTSEschews edibles
FASTSPurposely eschews meals
FASTSDoesn't eat, for instance
FASTSObserves a religious day
FASTSEats sparingly.
FASTSObserves church disciplines.
FASTSGoes hungry
FASTSGoes without food
FASTSDoes penance
FASTSEats little
FASTSEats sparingly
FASTSObserves a religious holiday, in a way
FASTSObserves Lent
FASTSPre-Easter customs
FASTSUltimate diets
FASTSRefrains from eating
FASTSRamadan rituals
FASTSPrison protests
FASTSAdmits nothing?
FASTSReligious observances
FASTSDoesn't just diet