AnswerCrossword Clue
IDEALISMPlatonist s credo
idealisma theory that ultimate reality lies in a realm transcending phenomena
idealismthe pursuit of noble goals
idealismtheory that only mental states or entities are knowable
idealismtheory that only the perceptible is real
idealismtheory that the essential nature of reality lies in consciousness or reason
IDEALISMPlato is considered the father of it
IDEALISMYouthful activist's quality
IDEALISMQuixotic trait
IDEALISMPursuit of unrealistic perfection
IDEALISMLofty pursuit
IDEALISMUtopian's vision
IDEALISMPhilosophical theory
IDEALISMSchool of philosophy.
IDEALISMBelief in man's better nature.
IDEALISMHigh-minded belief
IDEALISMPursuit of high principles
IDEALISMPursuit of perfection