Answer: LONGER

AnswerCrossword Clue
longeror relating to the larger amount wagered take the long end of the bet
LONGERMore strung out
LONGERMaxi, compared to mini
LONGERWhat snakes grow as they age
LONGERMore stretched out
LONGERLike the small intestine vis-a-vis the large one
LONGERLike a par 5 hole vis-a-vis a par 3
longerll-length long pants
longerextending for a considerable distance
LONGERLike Pinocchio's nose after a lie
longerone that longs (to yearn for)
longertending far into the future the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts H. W. Longfellow
longertending over a considerable time a long friendship
longersting too long tedious a long explanation
longertending beyond what is known a long guess
longerrelatively extended duration
longering the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or vowel-containing sounds that is descended from a vowel long in duration long a in fate long i in sign
longeran unusual degree of difference between the amounts wagered on each side long odds
LONGERMore time-consuming
LONGERMore extended
LONGERLike the scenic route, usually
LONGERMaxi compared to mini
LONGERMore drawn-out
LONGERNot as terse
LONGERMore and more
LONGERWhat the days are growing.
LONGEROf greater duration.
LONGERMore tedious.
LONGERLike some cigarettes.
LONGERMore protracted
LONGERNot so short
LONGERMore drawn out