Answer: MOJO

AnswerCrossword Clue
MOJOAustin Powers' power
MOJOIt's stolen in an Austin Powers movie
MOJOBad thing to lose
MOJOLuck that's workin' for ya
MOJOBlues singers often have theirs workin'
MOJOPsychobilly Nixon
MOJOType of talisman
MOJOMuddy Waters and Austin Powers have it working
MOJOSource of Austin Powers' "power"
MOJOAustin Powers' "power"
MOJOAustin Powers has it
MOJOWhat Austin Powers lost in the second movie
MOJOMuddy Waters' "Got My ... Working"
MOJOLucky mystique
MOJOMagic spell
MOJOMuddy Waters' hit I've Got My .... Working
MOJOThis may be risin'
MOJO"I've Got My ... Working" (Muddy Waters)
MOJOCharm believed to carry a magic spell
MOJOMagic power or spell
MOJOAustin Powers' asset
MOJOSpell carrier
MOJOSpelling aid?
mojopersonal magnetism; charm.
mojothe art or practice of casting magic spells; magic; voodoo
mojoobject, as an amulet or charm, that is believed to carry a magic spell
mojoa magic charm
MOJOVoodoo spell
MOJOVoodoo charm
MOJOMuddy Waters had his working
MOJOMagic charm
MOJOLucky charm
MOJOMagic practice
MOJOSpell-casting art
MOJOMagic art
MOJOSupernatural power