AnswerCrossword Clue
MYFAIRLADYFilm suggested by Prince Charles?
MYFAIRLADYPygmalion with songs
MYFAIRLADY1964 Hepburn film
MYFAIRLADYMusical featuring "You Did It"
MYFAIRLADY1964 Best Picture
MYFAIRLADYFilm that may rate two stars?
MYFAIRLADYBest Picture or Broadway musical
MYFAIRLADYLerner and Loewe hit
MYFAIRLADYA two-star woman, to her man?
MYFAIRLADYBroadway musical about Judge Judy?
MYFAIRLADYLerner-Loewe musical
MYFAIRLADY"Fly army aid"
MYFAIRLADYTramp's film?
MYFAIRLADYBest Picture 1964
MYFAIRLADYEliza of Covent Garden.
MYFAIRLADYMiss Doolittle.
MYFAIRLADYCinderella of the Rialto.
MYFAIRLADY"London Bridge is falling down, ...."
MYFAIRLADYRecord-setting Broadway musical.
MYFAIRLADYPhrase from "London Bridge."
MYFAIRLADYEliza Doolittle.
MYFAIRLADYMusical with the song "The Rain in Spain"
MYFAIRLADY"The RAIN in Spain" musical
MYFAIRLADY1964 Rex Harrison musical
MYFAIRLADYBest Picture of 1964
MYFAIRLADY"Pygmalion" on Broadway