Answer: OCELOT

AnswerCrossword Clue
OCELOTCat also called a dwarf leopard
OCELOTCat the margay takes after
OCELOTLarge American cat
OCELOTFelis pardalis
OCELOTAmerican cat
OCELOTIt's spotted in the woods
OCELOTMargay look-alike
OCELOTTexas wildcat
OCELOTTiger look-alike
OCELOTCousin of a leopard
OCELOTYellow and black cat
OCELOTCat with a banded tail
OCELOTTamable cat
OCELOTEndangered South American
OCELOTLeopardus pardalis
OCELOTSpotted animal
OCELOTTiger cat
OCELOTEndangered wildcat
OCELOTNocturnal feline
OCELOTIt's spotted in the wild
OCELOTMonkey predator
OCELOTPet animal of Salvador Dali
OCELOTWild cat
OCELOTAnimal whose name comes from Nahuatl
OCELOTCertain wildcat
OCELOTCritter whose name comes from Nahuatl
OCELOTNew World cat
OCELOTLargest species of the genus Leopardus
OCELOTCat on the Aztec calendar
OCELOTRain forest prowler
OCELOTCat also called a jaguatirica
OCELOTCat also called dwarf leopard
OCELOTSalvador Dali's pet Babou, e.g.
OCELOTRelative of a jaguarundi
OCELOTMember of the cat family
ocelotan American wildcat
ocelotsmall, spotted American wildcat
OCELOTAnimal revered by ancient Peruvians
OCELOTCentral American prowler
OCELOTCat once prized for its fur