

AnswerCrossword Clue
PAPAWAlabama tree
PAPAWEastern U.S. fruit tree
PAPAWSouthern fruit tree
PAPAWFleshy fruit
PAPAWYellow fruit
PAPAWFruit-bearing tree
PAPAWUS fruit tree
PAPAWOblong yellow fruit
PAPAWYellow-fleshed fruit
PAPAWMelonlike fruit
PAPAWTree with purplish flowers
PAPAWMelonlike tropical fruit
PAPAWCustard apple
PAPAW"Poor man's banana"
PAPAWCustard apple kin
PAPAWLarge edible fruit
PAPAWMissouri bushwhacker.
PAPAWBananalike fruit.
PAPAWTropical fruit.
PAPAWFruit with bananalike pulp.
PAPAWFruit with banana-like pulp.
PAPAWYellowish fruit.
PAPAWOblong yellowish fruit.
PAPAWYellow-fleshed tropical fruit.
PAPAWBanana's relative.
PAPAWFruit tree.
PAPAWN. American fruit.
PAPAWCustard apple tree.
PAPAWExotic fruit.
PAPAWN. A. fruit tree
PAPAWFruit tree
PAPAWTropical fruit
PAPAWFruit or tree
PAPAWSmall, fleshy fruit
PAPAWTree of the custard-apple family
PAPAWSweetsop's cousin
PAPAWOblong fruit
PAPAWEdible fruit