AnswerCrossword Clue
primitiveHaving a quality or style that offers an extremely basic level of comfort, convenience, or efficiency
primitive(of a part or structure) In the first or early stage of formation or growth; rudimentary
primitiveRelating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something
primitiveOf or denoting a simple, direct style of art that deliberately rejects sophisticated artistic techniques
primitivebelonging to earliest times or the earlier stages of development / an uncivilised person
primitiveDenoting a word, base, or root from which another is historically derived
primitiveNot developed or derived from anything else
primitiveRelating to or denoting a preliterate, nonindustrial society or culture characterized by simple social and economic organization
primitive(of an algebraic or geometric expression) From which another is derived, or which is not itself derived from another
PRIMITIVELike cell phones from the 1980s, comparatively
primitiveDenoting an irreducible form
primitive(of behavior, thought, or emotion) Apparently originating in unconscious needs or desires and unaffected by objective reasoning
PRIMITIVEArtistically naive
PRIMITIVEOf the earliest time.
PRIMITIVEA Grandma Moses painting.
PRIMITIVEGrandma Moses' school of painting.
PRIMITIVEYet to be developed