Answer: ROUNDS

AnswerCrossword Clue
roundsto express as a round number
ROUNDSThey're made in hospitals
ROUNDSDoctors make them
ROUNDSDoctors make them in hospitals
ROUNDSThings that are shot or fought
ROUNDSPub orders
ROUNDSRaekwon "100 ..."
ROUNDSWhat you make during concert season
ROUNDSBoxing match divisions
ROUNDSGuards make them
ROUNDSThey are bought in saloons
ROUNDSRing periods
ROUNDSQuarters and semis
ROUNDSGolf or boxing divisions
ROUNDS"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and others
roundscircular, curved, or spherical
roundssong in which voices enter at intervals
roundsROUND, to shape like a ball
roundssomething round
roundsstage of competition, as in a tournament
roundsexpressed as an approximate number
roundsto travel around
roundscomplete course, series, etc.
roundsto make round
roundscut of beef between the rump and leg
ROUNDSThe Croxley Master lasts sixteen.
ROUNDSCycling songs?
ROUNDSOrders of drinks
ROUNDSBoxing match units
ROUNDSGolf games
ROUNDSIntern's itinerary
ROUNDSGolf units
ROUNDSAmmunition units
ROUNDSFight divisions
ROUNDSHospital routines