Answer: SALIC

AnswerCrossword Clue
SALIC... law (Germanic code)
SALICEarly code of laws
SALICGermanic law code
SALIC... law (code of the Franks)
SALICRelating to the Frankish people
SALICLaw of the Franks
SALIC... law, used by the Franks
SALICFranks' ... law
SALICOf a mineral group
SALICPertaining to a Frankish group
SALICOf certain Franks
SALICDescribing an ancient law
SALICOf an ancient Frank
SALICFranks' code of laws
SALICKind of law
SALIC... law (ancient code)
SALIC... law (old Germanic legal code)
SALIC... law (old Frankish code)
SALIC... law (early Germanic legal code)
SALIC... law (early legal code)
SALIC-- law (old Germanic legal code)
SALICLaw against female succession
SALICFranks ... law
SALICOf the Franks
SALIC... law (medieval code)
salicof or pertaining to the Salian Franks
salicpertaining to a group of igneous rocks
SALIC... law, excluding women from the throne.
SALICRelating to certain minerals
SALICKind of acid
SALIC.. law: 16th-century code
SALIC... law (Frankish code)
SALIC... law (early Frankish legal code) Germanic codes
SALICLaw of dynastic succession
SALICOf Franks
SALIC.. law (ancient code)
SALIC16th-century .. law
SALIC.. law (medieval code)