Answer: SCALES

AnswerCrossword Clue
scalesto remove the scales from
SCALESMusical basics
SCALESWhat boxers are on before fights
SCALESPiano practice exercises
SCALESPianist's assignment
SCALESWhat some black squares in this grid represent
scalessuccession of musical tones
scalesto make according to a scale
scalesdevice for weighing
scalesto climb
SCALESRichter and Fahrenheit
scalesSCALE, to climb up or over
scalesordered series of steps or degrees
scalesthin flake or coating
scalesrelative size or extent
scalesone of the flat hard plates covering fish, snakes, etc.
scalesseries of marks at regular intervals for measuring
scalesto come off in scales
SCALESOnly inanimate zodiac representation
SCALESPlates of lizards
SCALES..... of justice
SCALESWhat Justice holds
SCALESVirgo's neighbor
SCALESLibra's symbol
SCALESSomething to tip
SCALESConquers the Matterhorn
SCALESThese are often tipped
SCALESWeighing devices
SCALESWeighing machines
SCALESSinger's practice routine
SCALESMusical ladders
SCALESZodiac symbol
SCALESThey may be sliding
SCALESFish market sights
SCALESChoir practice
SCALESSome are minor
SCALESDevice used by Anubis to determine a soul's fate
SCALESPiano drills
SCALESPianist's exercises