AnswerCrossword Clue
sendersconvey or cause to be conveyed or transmitted by an agent sent out invitations
sendersit sent out waves of perfume
senderslight thrill
senderscause to assume a specified state sent them into a rage
sendersgrow out (parts) in the course of development a plant sending forth shoots
sendersconsign to death or a place of punishment
sendersdispatch by a means of communication
sendersforce to go drive away
sendersto cause to go as
sendersSENDER, one who sends (to cause to go)
senderspropel or throw in a particular direction
sendersliver sent a blow to the chin
sendersdirect by advice or reference
senderscause to happen whatever fate may send
senderscause to be carried to a destination
sendersdirect, order, or request to go
senderscause or order to depart dismiss
sendersdispatch someone to convey a message or do an errand often used with out send out for pizza
sendersdispatch a request or order often used with away
sendersstrike or thrust so as to impel violently sent him sprawling
SENDERSUPS Store clients
SENDERSShipment supervisors
SENDERSFax originators
SENDERSThey transmit
SENDERSReturn recipients
SENDERSWire sources
SENDERSRadio transmitters.
SENDERSPost-office clientele
SENDERSRadio operators.
SENDERSThings are often returned to them
SENDERSInfo on cover sheets
SENDERSReturn addressees
senderspour out discharge clouds sending forth rain
senderspermit or enable to attend a term or session send a daughter to college