

AnswerCrossword Clue
SINUSESThey're often sensitive to allergens
SINUSESCavities that dentists don't fill
SINUSESCold victims?
SINUSESCavities of the skull.
SINUSESAir cavities in the head.
SINUSESHoles in the head
SINUSESAllergies often affect them
SINUSESThey may be cleared with a spray
SINUSESThey may be blocked in the winter
SINUSESAllergies may congest them
SINUSESCommonly congested cavities
SINUSESHoles in the head?
SINUSESThey may be blocked
SINUSESBodily cavities
SINUSESHoles in your head
SINUSESSites of congestion
SINUSESNasal spray targets