Answer: SNAKES

AnswerCrossword Clue
SNAKESBlack Crowes "Three ... and One Charm"
SNAKESMoves sinuously.
SNAKESAdders, etc.
SNAKESPlumbers' cables
SNAKESBushmaster and mamba
SNAKESSome are racers
SNAKESKrait and fer-de-lance
SNAKESPlumber's tools
SNAKESPit dwellers
SNAKESCaduceus creatures
SNAKESPlumbers' drain openers
SNAKESVipers, e.g.
SNAKESWinds in and out.
SNAKESOphidiophobe's fear
SNAKESPlumbers' helpers
SNAKESHair of Medusa
SNAKESCreatures forming the hair of Medusa
SNAKESKraits and boas
SNAKESThey have sliding scales
SNAKESIndiana's fear
SNAKESIndiana Jones phobia
snakesA treacherous or deceitful person
snakesA former system of interconnected exchange rates for the currencies of EC countries
snakesSNAKE, to slither like a limbless reptile
snakesA long limbless reptile that has no eyelids, a short tail, and jaws that are capable of considerable extension. Some snakes have a venomous bite
snakes(in general use) A limbless lizard or amphibian
snakesA long flexible wire for clearing obstacles in piping
SNAKESLadders' counterparts
SNAKESUntrustworthy ones
SNAKESNew Zealand lack
SNAKESWhat Indiana Jones feared
SNAKESPlumbing tools
SNAKESMoves sinuously
SNAKESCreatures banished from Ireland by Saint Patrick, in myth
SNAKESTwists and turns