AnswerCrossword Clue
solidest(of a line or surface) Without spaces; unbroken
solidestOn good terms with
solidest(of typesetting) Without extra space between the lines of characters
solidestStrongly built or made of strong materials; not flimsy or slender
solidestFirm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid
solidestUnanimous or undivided
solidestSound but without any special qualities or flair
solidestDependable; reliable
solidestConsisting of the same substance throughout
solidestConcerned with objects having three dimensions
solidestHaving three dimensions
solidestNot hollow or containing spaces or gaps
solidestSOLID, having definite shape and volume
solidestFinancially sound
solidest(of time) Uninterrupted; continuous
SOLIDESTMost upstanding or dependable
SOLIDESTMost reliable
SOLIDESTMost compact
SOLIDESTMost substantial.
SOLIDESTMost substantial
SOLIDESTMost dependable