Answer: TSKTSK

AnswerCrossword Clue
TSKTSK"You know better than that!"
TSKTSKFinger-stroking reprimand
TSKTSKTongue-clucking sounds.
TSKTSKA bit of chiding
TSKTSK"Aren't you ashamed?!"
TSKTSK"I'm very disappointed in you"
TSKTSKFinger wagger's comment
TSKTSK"You should have known better"
TSKTSK"You should really know better!"
TSKTSK"You shouldn't have"
TSKTSK"Shame on you!"
TSKTSK"You shouldn't have done that"
TSKTSKSchoolmarmish sound
TSKTSK"You should know better!"
TSKTSKFor shame!
TSKTSKDouble-click sound?
tsktskto express disapproval of by or as if by uttering tsk
tsktskto utter an exclamation of annoyance, also TSK
tsktsktsk-tsk someone or something
TSKTSK"You oughta know better!"
TSKTSK"For shame!"
TSKTSKSounds of reproach
TSKTSK"Mustn't do that!"
TSKTSKDisapproving sounds
TSKTSK"For shame"
TSKTSKDisapproving comment
TSKTSKSounds of disapproval
TSKTSKSyllables of reproach
TSKTSKFinger-wagging comment
TSKTSKDisapproving noise
TSKTSK"Shame, shame!"
TSKTSKReproachful warning
TSKTSK"My, oh my!"
TSKTSKReproachful remark
TSKTSK"Naughty, naughty!"
TSKTSKChider's sounds
TSKTSK"You should be ashamed!"