Answer: YWCA

AnswerCrossword Clue
YWCAFemale org. since the 1850s
YWCAHaven for lasses: Abbr.
YWCAWomen's org. since 1866
YWCALass's home away from home?
YWCAService org.
YWCARec center
YWCABlue Triangle grp.
YWCAFeminine org. since the 1850's
YWCANatl. org. of good works since 1906
YWCAService org. since the 1850's
YWCAOrg. promoting leadership and growth for females
YWCAOrg. that once used the slogan "In Service for the Girls of the World"
YWCAFeminine org. since the 1850s
YWCAGeneva-based org.
YWCAIntl. feminine group
YWCAService org. for females
YWCAYouth org.
YWCALadies' service org. since the 1850s
YWCAFemale youth org.
YWCAFemale youth gp.
YWCAOrg. for women since the 1850s
YWCACommunity ctr.
YWCACommunity gym
YWCAOrg. formed in London, 1855
YWCAWoman's org.
YWCABlue triangle grp.
YWCAOrg. for female fellowship
YWCANonprofit org. founded in 1855
YWCAOrg. for females
YWCAOrg. for females founded in 1855
YWCAOrg. headquartered in the Empire State Bldg.
YWCAOldest feminine org. in the U.S.
YWCARec. center that would be less appealing to the Village People
YWCAService org. begun by Lady Mary Jane Kinnaird and Emma Roberts
YWCASheltering org.
YWCAReligion-based org. founded in 1858
YWCAFem. advocacy group
YWCAFem. empowerment gp. since 1859
YWCAFem. leadership group
YWCAFeminine advocacy gp. since 1858