Crossword Clue:

one who sanctions

AnswerCrossword Clue
ENDORSEROne who sanctions
AUTHORIZEROne who sanctions an action
CONYERSCongressman who introduced a bill to ease sanctions on Iraq
TRADEWAREconomic sanctions may lead to one
TOTEROne who hauls
DERIVEROne who infers
CITEROne who quotes.
CRIEROne who weeps
CITEROne who quotes
GIBEROne who taunts
SACKEROne who pillages
SPIEROne who snoops
SHLEPPEROne who lugs
DEBTOROne who owes
ERECTEROne who builds
JEEREROne who hoots
DILETTANTEOne who dabbles
EELEROne who sniggles
DISTORTEROne who misrepresents.
PRODDEROne who goads
ATTENDEEOne who shows
RESISTEROne who opposes
ECHOEROne who repeats
TRIEROne who attempts
EVADEROne who sidesteps.
THWARTEROne who disappoints
ABIDEROne who tolerates
RUINEROne who destroys
ASKEROne who inquires
JOSHEROne who teases
DOEROne who achieves
SEVEREROne who cuts
SPADEROne who digs
DOTEROne who mollycoddles
ABATEROne who moderates.
MOCKEROne who ridicules
URGEROne who pleads
GAPEROne who stares
HONEROne who strops
EYEROne who watches