Crossword Clue:

opposed to education

AnswerCrossword Clue
ROPESTrainee's education, so to speak
ETONHenry VI's contribution to education.
MALALAUnesco's ... Fund for Girls' Right to Education
TOPEKAWhere to find the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
RESISTANTOpposed to.
NOTWITHOpposed to
AVERSEOpposed to
ANTIOpposed to
AGAINSTOpposed to.
ALIENOpposed (to).
ANTIOpposed to.
CONOpposed to
AVERSEOpposed (to)
NOTFOROpposed to
VERSUSOpposed to
AGAINSTOpposed to
IMPORTEDOpposed to domestic
HAWOpposed to "gee."
AGINOpposed to: Dial.
ARIAOpposed to recitative.
LOATHStrongly opposed (to)
ANTIIMPERIALISMOpposed to empires
PORTSIDEOpposed to starboard.
GAINSTOpposed to, poetically
ECTALOpposed to ental.
ALEEOpposed to aweather
AGSTOpposed to: Abbr.
ANODEOpposed to cathode.
MARATISMOpposed to Girondism.
ANTIOpposed to: pref.
GAINSTOpposed to: Poet.
ASTRIDEOpposed to sidesaddle
ANTIOpposed to: Prefix.
AGINOpposed to, regionally
AVERSEStrongly opposed (to)
STOSSOpposed to lee.
ANTIWAROpposed to belligerency.
ORDINALOpposed to cardinal.