that cannot be transmitted
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "that cannot be transmitted"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
intransmissiblethat cannot be transmitted
transmittablethat can be transmitted also TRANSMITTIBLE
transmittiblethat can be transmitted also TRANSMITTABLE
zoonosesA disease that can be transmitted to humans from animals
dataformation in numerical form that can be digitally transmitted or processed
leptospirosisAn infectious bacterial disease that occurs in rodents, dogs, and other mammals and can be transmitted to humans
radionicsA system of alternative medicine based on the supposition that detectable electromagnetic radiation emitted by living matter can be interpreted diagnostically and transmitted to treat illness at a distance by complex electrical instruments
mutationsThe changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes
INDELIBLEThat cannot be forgotten
unslakablethat cannot be slaked
irrecusablethat cannot be rejected
unbeatablethat cannot be beaten
unprintablethat cannot be printed
inexpressiblethat cannot be expressed
undriveablethat cannot be driven
unsubduablethat cannot be subdued
unweariablethat cannot be wearied
indivertiblethat cannot be diverted
irrestrainablethat cannot be restrained
unbudgeablethat cannot be budged
inimitablethat cannot be imitated
unstoppablethat cannot be stopped
unreckonablethat cannot be reckoned
unbuildablethat cannot be built
undauntablethat cannot be daunted
innominablethat cannot be named
unmixablethat cannot be mixed
unrecapturablethat cannot be recaptured
unvisitablethat cannot be visited
uncomposablethat cannot be composed
unavoidablethat cannot be avoided
unsatablethat cannot be sated
insatiablethat cannot be satiated
uncheckablethat cannot be checked
immitigablethat cannot be mitigated
nonreusablethat cannot be reused
unmakablethat cannot be made
unreachablethat cannot be reached
undeniablethat cannot be denied
undrainablethat cannot be drained