Crossword Clue:

the act of relating

AnswerCrossword Clue
TACTUALRelating to the sense of touch
GENETICRelating to the science of heredity.
LOBARRelating to part of the lung
ILIACRelating to part of the pelvis
PALATALRelating to the roof of the mouth
DAVIDICRelating to the Psalmist King of Israel.
EOLITHICRelating to part of the Stone Age
VOLARRelating to the palm of the hand
ILEACRelating to part of the small intestine
TAXEXEMPTAdjective relating to the separation of church and state
MACROEconomics prefix relating to the study of large systems
ILEACRelating to the last division of the small intestine
PELVICRelating to the lower part of the upper body