Crossword Clue:

the study of mites

AnswerCrossword Clue
ACAROLOGYStudy of mites and ticks.
ALGEBRAStudy of the unknown?
MILITARYSCIENCEThe study of warfare
ENTOMOLOGYThe study of insects.
URANOLOGYStudy of the heavens.
ENTOMOLOGYThe study of insects
GARBOLOGYThe study of trash
OTOLOGYStudy of the ear
ECOLOGYStudy of the environment
ASTRONOMYStudy of the planets
OCCULTISMStudy of the supernatural
ORTHOEPYThe study of pronunciation
PSYCHOLOGYStudy of the mind
ANTHROPOLOGYThe study of man
CHREMATISTICSThe study of wealth
AEROLOGYStudy of the atmosphere
ETIOLOGYThe study of causes
GEOLOGICALOf the study of rocks.
TECHNICSStudy of the practical arts.
HARMONICSThe study of musical sound
ISMAN"The proper study of mankind ...."
BACTERIOLOGICALOf the study of microorganisms
ASTRStudy of the heavens: Abbr.
ANATStudy of the body: Abbr.
COSMISMPhilosophical study of the universe
ASTRONOMYStudy of the heavenly bodies.
ASTRStudy of the stars: Abbr.
RELStudy of the Scriptures: Abbr.
MANThe proper study of mankind.
CHILDPSYCHOLOGYStudy of the juvenile mind
OTOLOGYThe study of the ear
EXACTASCIENCEThe study of racetrack betting?
OOLOGYThe study of birds' eggs.
ASTRStudy of the stars (abbr.)
DALLASKAPITALMarx's study of the Ewings?
VOODOOECONOMICSThe study of magic markets?
BODYENGLISHThe study of erotic literature?
WARWhat polemology is the study of
MARSWhat areology is the study of
TEAMCHEMISTRYThe study of the Springfield Isotopes?