Crossword Clue:

to fetch

AnswerCrossword Clue
APAIL"... to fetch .. ..."
APAIL"To fetch ......"
APAIL"To fetch ... . . . "
APAIL"To fetch .. . . ."
APAIL"To fetch ... of . . . "
STICKThing to fetch
APAIL. . . to fetch .... water
APAIL"To fetch .. of water"
APAIL"To fetch ... of water ..."
APAIL" fetch ... of water"
APAIL"To fetch ... of water"
APAIL"To fetch ... of water."
APAIL"... to fetch ... of water"
APAIL" . . . to fetch ... of water"
APAIL"... to fetch .. of water"
APAIL" fetch ... of water."
APAIL". . . to fetch .. of water"
APAIL"To fetch .... of water"
ABONE"... to fetch her poor dog ..."
ABONE"To fetch her poor dog ..."
STICKSomething to play fetch with
ABONE" fetch her poor dog ....."
ABONE"To fetch her poor dog ...."
JILLADVISEDLike the idea to fetch a pail of water?
SENATE"I come to fetch you to the ..-house": Decius Brutus