A cud Dial
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "A cud Dial"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
CHAWA cud: Dial.
LLAMACud-chewer without a hump
ruminating(of a ruminant) Chew the cud
ruminated(of a ruminant) Chew the cud
hourplatea timepiece dial
GRIGA cricket: Dial.
PHONEDial a number
RESETCorrect a dial
ozzie(Dial) a hospital
EMEA gossip: Dial.
NANENot a one: Dial.
appledrain(US dial) a wasp
TUNEDOUTTurned a radio dial.
ozziesOZZIE, (Dial) a hospital
CALLDial on a telephone
SETSAdjusts, as a dial
GASGRILLCooker with a dial
MEGAHERTZNumber on a dial
INDEXNeedle on a dial
XIITop of a dial
PRS7 on a dial
SETATRegistering, as a dial
HANDSPointers on a dial.
hourplatesHOURPLATE, a timepiece dial
BOOLA curved handle: Dial.
TACHDial on a dash
SNEEA large knife: Dial.
VOLUMEDial on a radio
MNO6, on a dial
ROLEXName on a dial
SAFEBox with a dial
XIINumber on a dial
ABC2 on a phone dial
misdialingDial a telephone number incorrectly
misdialledDial a telephone number incorrectly
UHFPart of a TV dial
misdiallingDial a telephone number incorrectly
OPERAbbr. on a phone dial
appledrainsAPPLEDRAIN, (US dial) a wasp
TUNETOLocate on a radio dial