An alcohol
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "An alcohol"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
STEROLAn alcohol
ISMAn end to alcohol?
cholinean alcohol found bile
mannitean alcohol, also MANNITOL
mannitolan alcohol, also MANNITE
ISMPut an end to alcohol!
ISMPut an end to alcohol?
REAUMURInventor of an alcohol thermometer
mannitesMANNITE, an alcohol, also MANNITOL
amylan alcohol radical, also PENTYL
dipsomaniaan abnormal craving for alcohol
pentylan alcohol radical, also AMYL
pentanolan alcohol (a flammable liquid)
octanolan alcohol (a flammable liquid)
campholan alcohol (a flammable liquid)
cholinesCHOLINE, an alcohol found bile
geraniolan alcohol used in perfumes
mannitolsMANNITOL, an alcohol, also MANNITE
farnesolan alcohol used in perfumes
ESTERResult of an acid-alcohol reaction
ISMAn end to alcohol and sex?
ESTERProduct of an acid-alcohol reaction
phytolsPHYTOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
carbinolsCARBINOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
ethanolsETHANOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
pentylsPENTYL, an alcohol radical, also AMYL
glycolsGLYCOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
campholsCAMPHOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
octanolsOCTANOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
amylsAMYL, an alcohol radical, also PENTYL
farnesolsFARNESOL, an alcohol used in perfumes
dipsomaniasDIPSOMANIA, an abnormal craving for alcohol
pinitolsPINITOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
xylitolsXYLITOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
pentanolsPENTANOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
geraniolsGERANIOL, an alcohol used in perfumes
speakeasyan illicit bar for selling alcohol
mentholsMENTHOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid)
rubbyAn alcoholic who habitually drinks rubbing alcohol
borneolan alcohol used in perfumes, also BORNYL