Ancient Lusitania now
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 28 answers to crossword clue "Ancient Lusitania now"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
PORTUGALAncient Lusitania, now
EDESSAAncient city, now Urfa.
NUMIDIAAncient country, now Algeria.
MEDIAAncient kingdom, now NW Iran
IDAAncient mount now called Psiloriti
ETRURIAAncient part of Italy, now Tuscany.
ELAMAncient region, now part of Iran
ETRURIAAncient land now part of Italy
ELISAncient Greek city, now in ruins.
EDESSAAncient Turkish city now called Urfa
ETRURIAAncient land that is now Tuscany
MOABAncient kingdom in what is now Jordan
ETRUSCANAncient inhabitant of what is now Tuscany.
JAFFAAncient city now part of Tel Aviv
ELISTown in ancient Greece, now in ruins.
TROYAncient city in what is now Turkey
ELAMAncient civilization in what is now Iran
MEDESTheir ancient land is now NW Iran
TROYAncient city in what is now western Turkey
MEDEAncient inhabitant of what is now N W Iran.
PHOENICIAAncient land in what is now Syria and Lebanon
ELAMAncient land located in what is now southwest Iran
EOLITHAncient stone once thought to be man-made but now believed to have been produced by glaciation
greyhoundA dog of a tall, slender breed having keen sight and capable of high speed, used since ancient times for hunting small game and now chiefly in racing and coursing
greyhoundsA dog of a tall, slender breed having keen sight and capable of high speed, used since ancient times for hunting small game and now chiefly in racing and coursing
archaebacteriaMicroorganisms that are similar to bacteria in size and simplicity of structure but radically different in molecular organization. They are now believed to constitute an ancient intermediate group between the bacteria and eukaryotes
acupunctureA system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is now widely practiced in the West
orphismA mystic religion of ancient Greece, originating in the 7th or 6th century bc and based on poems (now lost) attributed to Orpheus, emphasizing the necessity for individuals to rid themselves of the evil part of their nature by ritual and moral purification throughout a series of reincarnations