Antithesis of abundant
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Antithesis of abundant"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
SCANTAntithesis of abundant
WELLSSources of abundant supply.
COALAbundant source of energy
fecunditythe capacity of abundant production
MENHADENMost abundant of fishes on Atlantic coast.
edenicplace of pristine or abundant natural beauty
galactorrheaa too abundant flow of milk also GALACTORRHOEA
galactorrhoeaa too abundant flow of milk also GALACTORRHEA
galactorrheasGALACTORRHEA, a too abundant flow of milk also GALACTORRHOEA
rifenessthe state of being rife (abundant (in great plenty))
galactorrhoeasGALACTORRHOEA, a too abundant flow of milk also GALACTORRHEA
rifenessesRIFENESS, the state of being rife (abundant (in great plenty))
cornucopiasAn abundant supply of good things of a specified kind
cornucopiaAn abundant supply of good things of a specified kind
cottonwoodan American tree of the poplar genus, having seeds covered with abundant cottonlike hairs
cottonwoodsCOTTONWOOD, an American tree of the poplar genus, having seeds covered with abundant cottonlike hairs
oligotrophic(esp. of a lake) Relatively low in plant nutrients and containing abundant oxygen in the deeper parts
squeteague(Native American) an American sciaenoid fish, aka weakfish, abundant on the Atlantic coast of the United States
squeteaguesSQUETEAGUE, (Native American) an American sciaenoid fish, aka weakfish, abundant on the Atlantic coast of the United States
stratovolcanoa composite volcano, composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, along with abundant dikes and sills
stratovolcanoesSTRATOVOLCANO, a composite volcano, composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, along with abundant dikes and sills
tyrosinescrystalline amino acid, HOC6H4CH2CH(NH2)COOH, abundant in ripe cheese, that acts as a precursor of norepinephrine and dopamine. Symbol: Y
tyraminesamine, C8H11NO, abundant in ripe cheese as a breakdown product of tyrosine by removal of the carboxyl group (COOH)
stratovolcanosSTRATOVOLCANO, a composite volcano, composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, along with abundant dikes and sills
tyramineamine, C8H11NO, abundant in ripe cheese as a breakdown product of tyrosine by removal of the carboxyl group (COOH)
tyrosinecrystalline amino acid, HOC6H4CH2CH(NH2)COOH, abundant in ripe cheese, that acts as a precursor of norepinephrine and dopamine. Symbol: Y
eutrophicof a body of water, overrich in nutrients, and hence having a too abundant growth of water-plants and animals
feldsparsAn abundant rock-forming mineral typically occurring as colorless or pale-colored crystals and consisting of aluminosilicates of potassium, sodium, and calcium
mojarrasA small, typically silvery fish with a very protrusible mouth. It is particularly abundant in shallow coastal and brackish waters of tropical America
capelinsA small fish of the North Atlantic, resembling a smelt. It is abundant in coastal waters and provides a staple food for humans and many animals
herringsA silvery fish that is most abundant in coastal waters and is of great commercial importance as a food fish in many parts of the world
ammoniteany of a subclass (Ammonoidea) of extinct cephalopods especially abundant in the Mesozoic age that had flat spiral shells with the interior divided by septa into chambers
saltsa crystalline compound NaCl that consists of sodium chloride, is abundant in nature, and is used especially to season or preserve food or in industry called also common salt
salta crystalline compound NaCl that consists of sodium chloride, is abundant in nature, and is used especially to season or preserve food or in industry called also common salt
menhadena marine fish (Brevoortia tyrannus) of the herring family abundant along the Atlantic coast of the United States where it is used for bait or converted into oil and fertilizer
coquinasmall clam, Donax variabilis, abundant in the intertidal zone of eastern and southern U.S. coastal beaches, having fanlike bands of various hues, the paired empty shells often spread in a butterfly shape
bitterrootA plant of the purslane family with showy pinkish-white flowers on short stems. Found throughout the rocky areas of western North America, it is particularly abundant in Montana, of which it is the state flower
bitterrootsA plant of the purslane family with showy pinkish-white flowers on short stems. Found throughout the rocky areas of western North America, it is particularly abundant in Montana, of which it is the state flower
collagenany of a class of extracellular proteins abundant in higher animals, esp. in the skin, bone, cartilage, tendon, and teeth, forming strong insoluble fibers and serving as connective tissue between cells, yielding gelatin when denatured by boiling
copepodany of numerous tiny marine or freshwater crustaceans of the order (or subclass) Copepoda, lacking compound eyes or a carapace and usually having six pairs of limbs on the thorax, some abundant in plankton and others parasitic on fish