Astronomical time span
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Astronomical time span"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
EONAstronomical time span
EONAstronomical time period
EONSAstronomical time periods
chronometerAn instrument for measuring time, esp. one designed to keep accurate time in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Chronometers were first developed for marine navigation, being used in conjunction with astronomical observation to determine longitude
chronometersAn instrument for measuring time, esp. one designed to keep accurate time in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Chronometers were first developed for marine navigation, being used in conjunction with astronomical observation to determine longitude
YEARTime span
EONTime span
YEARTime span.
WEEKTime span
HOURTime span
ERATime span.
ERATime span
ERATime-line span
ERASpan of time
EONSpan of time
CENTime span: Abbr.
EONLong time span
EONIncomprehensible time span
WEEKTime's time span
AEONVast time span
EONLengthy time span
EONImmense time span
ERASpecial time span
ERAMemorable time span
ERAImportant time span
EONLongish time span
CENTime span: abbr.
ERAGeological time span
EONHuge time span
EPOCHNotable time span
ERATime line span
ERALong time span
ERAGeologic time span
EONGeologic time span.
AEONGeological time span.
WKSTime span: Abbr.
CENTTime span: Abbr.
YRSTime span: Abbr.
ERAImportant span of time
AEONReally long time span