Cell walls
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Cell walls"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
SEPTACell walls
BARSStructures near cell walls
JAILSThey have hard cell walls
INMATEOne surrounded by cell walls
zymosanan insoluble carbohydrate in yeast cell walls
zymosansZYMOSAN, an insoluble carbohydrate in yeast cell walls
peptidoglycana polymer in the cell walls of procaryocytes
xylana substance found in cell walls of plants
zymosanan insoluble largely polysaccharide fraction of yeast cell walls
xylansXYLAN, a substance found in cell walls of plants
peptidoglycansPEPTIDOGLYCAN, a polymer in the cell walls of procaryocytes
lumina(of a cell) the cavity that the cell walls enclose
lumen(of a cell) the cavity that the cell walls enclose
lumens(of a cell) the cavity that the cell walls enclose
suberizationthe deposition of suberin in the cell walls of cork also SUBERISATION
suberisationthe deposition of suberin in the cell walls of cork also SUBERIZATION
collenchymaTissue strengthened by the thickening of cell walls, as in young shoots
lignifyingMake rigid and woody by the deposition of lignin in cell walls
lignifiedMake rigid and woody by the deposition of lignin in cell walls
suberinsa complex fatty substance found especially in the cell walls of cork
suberizationsSUBERIZATION, the deposition of suberin in the cell walls of cork also SUBERISATION
suberisationsSUBERISATION, the deposition of suberin in the cell walls of cork also SUBERIZATION
lignocelluloseA complex of lignin and cellulose present in the cell walls of woody plants
cellulosea carbohydrate forming the chief component of cell walls in plants and in wood
tracheidelongated, tapering xylem cell having lignified, pitted, intact walls, adapted for conduction and support
cellulosesCELLULOSE, a carbohydrate forming the chief component of cell walls in plants and in wood
mannanany of several polysaccharides that are polymers of mannose and occur especially in plant cell walls
mycoplasmaAny of a group of small typically parasitic bacteria that lack cell walls and sometimes cause diseases
mycoplasmasAny of a group of small typically parasitic bacteria that lack cell walls and sometimes cause diseases
peptidoglycanA substance forming the cell walls of many bacteria, consisting of glycosaminoglycan chains interlinked with short peptides
mycoplasmataAny of a group of small typically parasitic bacteria that lack cell walls and sometimes cause diseases
diatomitefine siliceous earth composed chiefly of the cell walls of diatoms: used in filtration, as an abrasive, etc.
hemicellulosea type of polysaccharide, found in plant cell walls, which can be more easily broken down than cellulose
hemicellulosesHEMICELLULOSE, a type of polysaccharide, found in plant cell walls, which can be more easily broken down than cellulose
lysozymeAn enzyme that catalyzes the destruction of the cell walls of certain bacteria, occurring notably in tears and egg white
plasmodesmataA narrow thread of cytoplasm that passes through the cell walls of adjacent plant cells and allows communication between them
plasmodesmaA narrow thread of cytoplasm that passes through the cell walls of adjacent plant cells and allows communication between them
turgorsthe normal distention or rigidity of plant cells, resulting from the pressure exerted by the cell contents on the cell walls
turgorthe normal distention or rigidity of plant cells, resulting from the pressure exerted by the cell contents on the cell walls
suberinwaxlike, fatty substance, occurring in cork cell walls and in or between other cells, that on alkaline hydrolysis yields chiefly suberic acid