College students of yore
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 15 answers to crossword clue "College students of yore"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
COEDSCollege students of yore
COEDSSome college students of yore
TEXASAANDMCollege of 6,705 students.
MAJORCollege student's field of study
WOMENAbout 57% of American college students
SATSRites of passage for college-bound students
gaudeamus(Latin) a convivial gathering, esp of college or university students
collegesThe teaching staff and students of a college considered collectively
gaudeamusesGAUDEAMUS, (Latin) a convivial gathering, esp of college or university students
deaningcollege or secondary school administrator in charge of counseling and disciplining students
orientationA program of introduction for students new to a school or college
orientationsA program of introduction for students new to a school or college
degreestitle conferred on students by a college, university, or professional school on completion of a program of study
seminarA class at a college or university in which a topic is discussed by a teacher and a small group of students
sizara student (as in the university of Cambridge) who receives an allowance toward college expenses and who originally acted as a servant to other students in return for this allowance